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Newfoundland UFO Sightings & Reports Wanted

We are currently crowd sourcing Newfoundland UFO sightings and reports for you all here and on our social media. Since all this balloon talk has people going UFO crazy(it’s that time of year I guess) and I’ve heard a few stories over the years from friends and family. I’d love to hear from you all and see if there is intelligent life out there after all.

In the meantime, I’ll be looking into a few historic accounts and I’ll tie that all in with what we get back from you all in the coming 4-6 weeks. I’ve personally never seen anything, but I honestly don’t spend enough time out at night looking at the stars…perhaps I should?

This Post Has One Comment

  1. William Mercer

    My dad once saw a wide triangle shaped ufo with lights on the sides. It was making a low rumbling noise. It was about the size of a Boeing 747 and it was going pretty slow. This wan in 1981 over Blaketown.

Whaddya At?