Coco the Cat, a three-year-old orange tabby from Dildo, Newfoundland, became a viral sensation after a video of his daring leap from a utility pole was shared on social media, and had dozens of national and global media coverage.
The video shows Coco jumping to the ground as a utility worker attempts to rescue him from the top of the pole. The cat had been chased up the pole by a dog and was stuck there for about two hours before making the dramatic leap. Despite the initial concern, Coco was unharmed and unbothered by the ordeal, and has been enjoying plenty of treats and rest since the incident.
The video of his leap has been widely shared and covered by various media outlets, making Coco a well-known feline figure. Owner Alice Reid expressed her surprise at Coco’s decision to jump, but was relieved to see him unharmed and unfazed after the dramatic descent.
Rest up and be well Coco, you’ve got a few lives left.
Coco The Cat From Newfoundland Video
Video and screenshot via Global News