So just what is the best time to see icebergs in Newfoundland & Labrador? For those planning their travel for the upcoming Newfoundland iceberg season will want to know that the best times start in the spring and end in the early summer. The season also depends greatly on the currents and amount of iceberg break off that year.
The 2022 iceberg season was quite dismal while 2023 was out of this world fantastic. It’s best you follow Iceberg Finder on Instagram or visit their website to get accurate and recent reports of sightings in Newfoundland and Labrador.
They use satellite data and user reports so you’re always here during the best time to see icebergs.
Best Time To See Icebergs In Newfoundland
The short and simple answer is that the best months to see icebergs in Newfoundland are from late May and to early June along the coast of Newfoundland, and between March and July along the coast of Labrador.
Icebergs are most plentiful in April and May and it’s less busy tourist wise even for iceberg season, but the best viewing is suggested to be in late May and early June. Variations from year to year make it impossible to accurately forecast the presence of icebergs, but these are the general optimal times for viewing them.
Just make sure you check Instagram and Iceberg Finder to see the latest news and sightings.